Your Home Maintenance Checklist for the Summer

By July 21, 2015 June 10th, 2016 Custom Homes

summer maintenance checklist

Summer time means outdoor fun, vacations and also home improvement projects. The exterior of your home can get it’s best TLC during the summer months. But sometimes the list can seem long and overwhelming.

Here is a home maintenance checklist for summer that you can do for to keep your house functioning well all year.

Home Maintenance Checklist for Summer

  1. Inspect your home’s exterior for blistering, cracking paint or wood rot in the siding. Address these issues as soon as possible to prevent further damage during harsher weather.
  2. Inspect, wash and reseal your wood deck to make it look nicer and extend your deck’s life for years to come.
  3. Inspect the water traps in the faucet’s end and clean out any mineral deposits that can be stuck in the small screen where the water comes out.
  4. Check your gutters for debris that can clog the gutter, cause water damage and even cause the gutter to pull away from the home because of it’s weight.
  5. Give your AC a tune up to prevent emergency situations. To keep your AC running cool make sure that refrigerant levels are inspected, the fan is functioning well and their are no potential for fire hazard. Also take the time to check and change air filters if needed.
  6. Have your roof inspected for water damage, leaky areas, or any other small problems. This is the best time of year for preventative cleaning and roof maintenance that will help your roof last longer.
  7. Check your windows by making sure that the sealants are maintained, and leakage is happening. Caulk any open areas, check weather – sripping for faults and clean the windows. Taking care of your windows will help with your energy costs and keep your home looking good.

This is not an exhaustive list by any means. But starting with these will help keep your home well-maintained and functioning well for the summer and months to come!

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